Posts Tagged ‘Emma’

Don’t Call it a Comeback (Well, maybe you should)

With Covid-19 cancelling everything (especially CalFit), I needed something to keep me somewhat in shape.  Originally I started doing CalFit type exercises in the back yard, with 1 mile runs or sprints to finish up.  Meanwhile, Kristen Pitt was training for a half marathon, and dragging Emma on parts of her runs.  Kristen ended up making a challenge group on RunKeeper, so I reluctantly joined in.

The challenge was to run 50 miles in a month, starting in April.  I can do that.  I’ll start slow, and add on mileage, and finish easily.

Started with Emma doing 1 mile runs, then doing another 2 or so.  Then went on 3 miles runs, sometimes with Emma.  Started building up to 4 and 5 mile runs, but noted a significant difference between now and the last time I “started” running.  Most of my runs were just not enjoyable, and on many of them I just kept thinking of when I could stop and walk for a while.  I just couldn’t seem to break through that beginners wall.

At one point Julie told me she didn’t think I was enjoying myself at all when I ran.  And one of my runs made me stop and walk about half of the way and cut it short.

So I made a tough call.  I’ll finish the challenge, but that’s it.  My origian plan was to run 7 or 8 miles for the last few runs, finish the 50 miles easily.  But now I knew that wouldn’t happen.  I knew the time I had left and did the math.  I could run the last 2 weeks with 2 – 4 miles.

My last 2 runs were very calculated, mile-wise, and my last run was just as long as I needed it to be to get the goal, with just a day to spare.

Not Running

It’s been a busy weekend.  I was hoping to go 10 miles on Friday.  But couldn’t.  That’s okay, I can go Saturday.  Well, after Caleb’s lacrosse game, things came up.  W e had to go to Julie’s folks house for dinner, a little earlier than I planned.  So I figured I’d run there.  I might have to miss dinner, but that’s okay, I can eat later.

But I started to think….I’m not training for anything in particular.  I don’t HAVE to run for any reason.  So I figured I shouldn’t miss dinner if they want to be nice and invite us over.  So I decided no go.  That’s okay, I can do Peter’s Canyon twice on Sunday.  Great!  Nope, Julie promised the kids Disneyland after church.  Oh well.  So I won’t get my long run in this week.

So now it’s Monday, and I’ve got to run.  Do I do my long run?  I decide to just skip the long run for the week.  With how busy the day is, I decide to run after I drop Emma off for swimming.  That means I can only do about 5 – 5 1/2 miles.  Oh well, I’ll do the short run/fast run.

I try to keep a good pace.  Even going up the hill, I try to sprint a couple of times.  And I feel like I’m going faster than usual down the hill.  But I don’t think I did enough sprints during the run, nor did I get a good warm up (usually I run around the Norton’s block as a warm up for my short run).  I finish with just about a 9 minute mile pace.  For my short runs I like to be much closer to 8.  I’ll have to check what my other times were for that route.  Maybe 9 is good, but it doesn’t feel like it is, and I know I didn’t put in as many sprints as I usually do for my fast workout.

Running at Soccer

Emma had soccer practice on Wednesday.  I thought I could run during it.  Paul thought about doing it with me, but it didn’t work out for him.  So I ran alone.  I went half way around the field, out the front of the school, past my parents’ street, then into the back of the school, by the field.  That’s one lap.

I had visions of running 10 laps in an hour.  That didn’t happen.  I did about 6 laps in 45 minutes.  I was seriously worried about getting heat stroke.  That didn’t happen either.

Father’s Day

It’s a running Father’s Day.  I got a cool hat from Caleb (it’s not as “gay” as my blue one, Julie says), some chocolate from Jane, and a promise for new shoes from Emma.  We’ll see if I ever get the shoes, but Julie promises that if I want to get a new pair, I can.  I’m just not sure I know when I need a new pair of shoes.  I told her even if I didn’t, I could get a new pair and trade off.  We’ll see.